About this site

Hello all, welcome to this website! If you're reading this you probably found it from my blog update, or I otherwise sent it to you somehow. Hi there.

This website is powered by Vercel, Github, Obsidian, and the Digital Garden Obsidian plugin. I have it setup so that I have a folder in my Obsidian Vault where I put all my notes that I want to be public and viewable in, and I publish them. Then, it automatically updates so that you all can view them.

This comes with some up sides and some down sides. What's call about it is that it integrates into my workflow a lot better. I do a lot of things with my Obsidian vault. It's where I write my video scripts, it's where I collect all the ideas that I have, it's where I write my journal entries, I track and rate movies, music and games. Some of that I want to share with people like all that rating stuff and my completed writing projects, other things I want to keep private, so I think it's really cool that I can implement this website into that while having the ability to pick and choose what I'd like to put out there. I'm also generally just a big fan of using markdown, and I'd write a majority of the stuff that went on my Neocities site in markdown here first before converting it to html and posting it, so it kind of takes out the middle man.

The downside is that I feel like I lose some customization options. My Neocities site is pretty simple and minimalistic so I'm not really losing too much but I did think it looked nice. I also think Neocities is a really cool and fun community to be in, interact with and browse, so I would feel a little sad abandoning that. But, I do think that this kind of aesthetic and use case fits me and what I'm trying to accomplish a bit better, so that might just be the tradeoff I have to make.

I might be using this in the future to permanently replace my Neocities site, but we will see.

About Me

My name is Bryce (he/him), but my online username has been Bpt11 for pretty much the entirety of me being online. It came about once when my dad had bought me Minecraft Java edition on our family computer for me, and he was helping me set up my account. I couldn't decide what to make my username so he just picked Bpt11 for me. Bpt is my initials, 11 was just a random number, I think I was like 8 or 9 at the time so it wasn't my age, I'm not sure why he picked that, but it stuck and I still use it pretty much everywhere today.

I'm in my 20s, I live in an apartment with my wife and our two cats. At the moment I'm unemployed, but I'm trying to make the most of it but pursuing some creative endeavors. I have two "big" projects I've been working on, a music blog called The Groove Grounds, and a YouTube channel. I'm pretty interested in a lot of different stuff. I love art of all different forms, I really enjoy writing, and I love learning about computers, Linux, FOSS, and indie web kind of stuff.

I had been thinking about making video essay style YouTube videos for a really really long time before I did it. I love video editing and working on projects like that, and the only reason I ever learned about it was because of my first YouTube channel that I started with one of my best friends when I was around 11 or 12 years old. It was called BKPlays, and we just played video games, the videos were not very good and I deleted all of them instead of archiving them for some reason, so they are lost to time forever now. I kinda regret that tremendously.

But, I always figured I'd end up back on YouTube. My channel description says "I make videos about things that I like" and I intend to keep that 100% true. I don't think I'll ever just dedicate to one specific topic forever, at the time of writing this my only video is about film and the one that I'm working on and releasing soon (hopefully) is about the Fediverse, those are two very different topics but they're both just things that I like. I think that the video essay format is just a great way to talk about things that I have a lot to talk about, with no one except my poor wife to talk about it to. It's just a good outlet, and good practice for my video and writing skills.

I started The Groove Grounds as a class project in a digital marketing course I took. My instructor had everybody in the class start a "company" of sorts to practice the skills that we learned throughout the course. I started it as a music blog but I hope to someday turn it into a record / thrift store. My vision is to someday open a location that sells records new and old, buys used one, and also has booth rentals for creators to sell their goods, a kind of makers market thing.

That digital marketing course I mentioned before was supposed to be the start of my career. I tried for many many months to get hired anywhere that would take me doing marketing, I wanted to specialize in web design, copywriting, or seo, because I was good at that stuff. But after doing several interviews at countless companies and agencies, it never happened. I'm still looking, still applying, but I'm not focusing on Marketing as much anymore. There's a part of me that's kind of glad that I never did, because I don't know if I can honestly even work in marketing anymore. The course really opened my eyes to why I should care more about my privacy and help others care more as well. It's kinda scary, and very predatory to consumers. I don't really want to contribute to that, so I've only really been looking for marketing positions at companies I feel I can really trust.

You can probably tell by reading my blog but I love music it's a huge part of my life and I take it pretty seriously. Some of my favorite artists are Tyler, The Creator, The Roots, Kendrick Lamar, KGLW, Gorillaz, Field Medic, Pink Floyd, Thundercat, and many many more. I listen to a lot of different stuff but mostly hip hop and rap, but I'm always taking recommendations and love listening to new things, so if you have anything you think I should check out you should send it my way I'd love to give it a listen. If you make music yourself you should also send it my way I think it's really awesome to get to know artists.

But, music isn't all, I also watch a lot of movies and I've been trying to read more. I love to watch horror movies, I think it's really interesting the way that it can control your feelings and emotions in a way that not many other genres can so I just have a lot interest in horror films as an artistic medium, and seeing the things that people do with it. I think if I had to choose just a few favorite movies, I'd say The Thing, Coraline, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and Howl's Moving Castle. To see ratings of all the movies I've logged, you can take a look at the Movie Ratings page.

I really don't read very much so I don't have a ton to say about books. I'm trying to more in the future, but for the time being I've just been reading a lot of comics, graphic novels, and manga. Some of my favorites are the Scott Pilgrim series and Seconds both by Bryan Lee O'Malley, Erased by Kei Sanbe, and the Batman comic "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" by Grant Morrison with incredible artwork by Dave McKean.

But yeah, I guess that's a quick introduction to me and who I am, my hope is that you can learn a lot about me just by reading and exploring this website, or watching my videos, reading my blog, whatever I end up doing. I don't really have any specific kind of plan with this so we'll see what happens I guess. Thanks for reading!