Hi! It's the 25th of February, only a couple days left till the end of the month, which means I'm falling behind on my goal of trying to finish my Dracula Video (working title). I think I'm almost done with the script, but it ended up being a bit larger than I expected it to be, I just want to make sure everything is of good quality. I think I will have the script done and begin the recording process by the end of the month, the video will definitely be finished and uploaded in March.
Social Media is over party
So after I made The Fediverse is what social media should be, I felt as though I wasn't really practicing what I was preaching. So, I decided to at least start making that change, and I deleted my Instagram account permanently. (Technically I could still access it right now if I really wanted to, it's part of the deletion process or whatever, but here in a week or so it's gone for good.)
A lot led to this decision, obviously the downsides of social media that I discuss in that video, but what I feel really pushed me over the edge is just the current state of the country that I live in. If it's not obvious, that's the United States. It seems to me like all the biggest social media platforms are controlled and owned by people that are really trying to make their way onto the president's good side. I don't want to financially support than in any way, and I'd love to see more people on the Fediverse anyways so I'm trying my best to be the change that I want to see.
It almost seems a little futile to me to try and stop supporting billionaires and mega corporations in this way, especially when there are so many other platforms that I can't really do this with. For example, using just PeerTube instead of YouTube as well isn't really an option (at least right now) whether I like it or not. Heck, even though I'm trying my best to leave meta behind by deleting Instagram, I can't even delete my Facebook account yet because there's some people that I'd be unable to contact without it. Modern social media has just grown to be so dominant, so weaved into our lives, that it's incredibly difficult to cut ties with it.
But again, all I feel I can really do is try my best to be the change I want to see.
I'm still playing Elden Ring
On a lighter and less politically charged note, in case anyone has been paying attention to my Elden Ring journey, you'll be happy to know that I've finally caught up to the last boss of the game. I've even done more exploring in the dlc, and made my way to the Haligtree, so I've actually surpassed my last playthrough that I lost. I've never attempted Malenia until yesterday, and I honestly feel a little underwhelmed almost? Everybody says she's so incredibly difficult, and while I haven't actually beaten her yet, I've gotten really close and I've only done 3 attempts so far. I dunno, maybe I'm just the goat I guess.