Hello all!

This is my first blog entry that I am posting on my Digital Garden site. After spending some time here I think I might really start using it in place of my Neocities site. But, I don't want to fully get rid of my Neocities site, I just need to think of something different to do with it probably. Let me know in my Chatbook if you have any ideas!

Setting up this website

I've enjoyed putting this together and learning more about how it works, I finally figured out how to set the "Public Stuff" folder in my vault as the root folder for the website, so it doesn't appear in the navigation anymore which is cool, makes everything a little nicer and cleaner.

I'm pretty happy with everything and how it's working currently, and I'm excited about the capabilities and things I can accomplish using this. There's a lot and I'm glad that I'll really be able to expand what I can accomplish with my personal website. I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities and such.

Right now something that I'd like to see if I can improve is the media pages, such as Movies To Watch and Movie Ratings. I think they're pretty alright right now, they definitely function and serve their purpose well, but I'd like to see if there's some way that I can make them a bit wider since at the moment they're kinda skinny forcing you to have to scroll horizontally to see all the columns. I'd also like to see if I can add a search bar at the top, because right now if you're looking for a specific movie you just have to ctrl+f search in your browser to find it. I guess that's fine, but I'd like to see if there's a way to make that better and integrated into the site itself.

After I finished writing that last paragraph I experimented a little bit, replacing my dataview query with a dataviewjs query thing adding the search at the top and I got it to work pretty perfectly actually it was kind of awesome, but it wouldn't work on the website just within Obsidian 😔. Pretty lame, maybe there's some way to get it to work but for now I think I'll just leave it alone.

Updates on my Dracula video

I've still been working on my Dracula video I promise, it's just taking some time. It's been a pretty busy week this past week and I've been maybe a little sick so I've been a bit off my game but I promise it's still in development. I thought about adding the Christopher Lee films, but after watching and reading about the first one I decided not to include them. 1958's "Horror Of Dracula" kinda just felt like too big of a departure to the original story, it had some crazy stuff going on. Jonathan's a librarian? And a vampire hunter sent to kill the count? Seems kinda crazy to me. Maybe I'll mention it briefly but it definitely won't have a whole section to itself.