These are two writing samples that I did while applying for positions as a researcher and script writer for Wendigoon, he posted about it a few days ago but it's gone now. Here's what I wrote if anyone is curious to read it or wondering what the application process was like
250 words or less, at least 2 credible sources
The film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)" is based on the real case of Anneliese Michel, a German woman that endured 67 exorcisms before passing in 1976 (3). She began experiencing seizures leading to an Epilepsy diagnosis (1), but after her symptoms worsened to the point of hallucinations and hearing voices (2), her deeply religious family believed she was possessed.
Over the course of 10 months two Catholic priests performed the many exorcisms, during which she would act under the influence of demons, speaking in different voices, ripping her clothes off, growling like a dog, and licking her own urine off of the floor (2). On July 1st, 1976, she passed away from malnutrition and dehydration, weighing only 66 pounds, causing her parents and the priests to be found guilty of negligence (4).
Anneliese's case still remains controversial to this day. The Catholic church has gone on to declare that Anneliese was not possessed but mentally ill (5), but many still believe that it was a case of genuine possession.
This debate between science and faith is the core theme explored in the film, blending the drama from the courtroom with the supernatural horror. It also adds to the spiritual side by depicting Emily as a martyr who chooses to endure her suffering rather than be freed, receiving stigmata as a sign of her sacrifice.
But, whether you choose to see it as a tragedy, or a true case of possession, what really happened to Anneliese Michel remains unclear.
200 words or less
At 7 A.M on June 10th, 1912, a woman by the name of Mary Peckham was becoming concerned for her neighbors the Moore's, consisting of Josiah B Moore, his wife Sarah, and their four children. She had noticed that they hadn't come out to do their morning chores, so she approached the home and knocked on the door, finding it locked after attempting to open it when she received no answer. After contacting Josiah's brother Ross, he unlocked the front door with is copy of the house key. Upon entering the parlor and opening the guest bedroom door, he discovered the bodies of two children, friends of 10 year old Mary Katherine Moore. The police were contacted and searched the house discovering the bodies of Josiah, Sarah, and all 4 of their children. The eight victims were bludgeoned to death by an Axe belonging to Josiah. Doctors had concluded that the murder had taken place between midnight and 5 A.M.
Hello everybody, today we are going to be talking about investigation and aftermath of the Villisca Axe Murders. But first of all, and as always, thank you for watching.